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Since our first day in business, MOHIT SULTANIA has been offering our customers the best selection of products at unbeatable prices. Our online store has become synonymous with quality and we ensure a continuous variety of fantastic merchandise along with unique limited edition and seasonal items that fit any budget. Check it out and start shopping today!


Couturier, Costume Designer, and Entrepreneur; Mohit Sultania loves to focus on small details which completes the whole package of getting dressed up. Mohit started his career as an Entrepreneur, but his love for Fashion, Apparel, Accessories, and Beauty Products drew him towards building his brand for all the collective products that complete the whole set and a Stop Solution. His attraction has always been Men's Costume Designing and he wants to add Men's wear at the same plinth as Women's Wear. He always had a crystal clear concept where he wanted to carry Fashion, Beauty, accessories, and Gifting all together, making it a complete package. Starting with Luxury Perfumes he wants to stand out from the crowd and Wants to make his own Identity where people would cherish his work and what he does. Mohit Sultania extends his influence beyond fashion to carve his niche as an Indian Luxury Brand.

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